Orphan pages are index pages that don’t include any internal links. This points out that the pages are not linked to any page from any website; thus, orphan pages remain out of the site composition.

You need internal links to access orphan pages from anywhere on the site. This process requires more work to locate such pages.

You can access orphan pages in different ways. First, you can access it with the help of referrals, like if any site links connect with it or if the page has an internal link with a newsletter. Next is done through organic search if the page ranks for several queries. So, if other URLs are readdressed to these pages, it completely re-addresses.

Hence, although it’s entirely possible to come across and can be accessed to orphan pages, even, it is a bit tough job. Most users usually cannot access these pages quickly and also cannot find out engines — which in a word, is bad for your site. We’ll explain why it is like that.

Why orphan pages are not good for SEO

There are many vital reasons why orphan pages can emerge. Here are some crucial instances: product pages that are not in stock and old news content that has been triggered or erased. The emergence of these pages like orphans will make your search engines think about your website with poor quality.

Furthermore, orphan pages are not advantageous for web pages because a search engine’s crawling code is mainly derived from given hyperlinks.

This generally might occur that search engine robots cannot take all pages because of orphaned pages. Overall, the website’s link structure must be equally dispersed to overtake the link inside to significant pages and offer a perfect user experience.

Thus, it is essential to spot and fix orphan pages immediately.


How to find out orphan pages

However, if you are looking to spot orphan pages, create a contrast between the live URLs running on your website and those that can be accessed easily on your log files. Thus, you should apply a tool to crawl your site and get your URL lists. On the other hand, you must do this procedure again by using your log files. As you find the lists, you should locate if there is any URL that does not swell with them. If you get any of them, that is called an orphan page.

Most of the time, this method can be very lengthy and creates many mistakes, particularly when it comes to huge websites. Fortunately, you can find a comfortable and quickest process to locate orphan pages. In addition to this, just by crawling to your page with an advanced SEO tool, you can easily access your log files. You are just clicking with one tap even as the system creates a list of your Orphan pages. In addition, you can also obtain related information about each page, like status code or the number of stays on the site as they find out from GoogleBot.

How to fix your orphan pages

If you are running orphan pages, you should first know what to perform with them or how you would like to deal with them. That time, we advise you to find out if the page is linked from the best quality external website or incorporates massive traffic. In that way, you can consider upgrading its content, recycling it, and linking it from your live page on your site. If there is no need to update, consider if you can readdress it to pages like the homepage or categories. 

The next reverse solution is possible if we consider the orphan page useless. If the page appears with little power, you most likely would like to dispose of it. On the other hand, you can apply a 404 or 410 HTTP status code. These codes point out that a page no longer exists, which will assist your crawl finances to be utilized more professionally.


Can Google find orphan pages?

It mainly depends on whether the pages are incorporated in the XML sitemap and or if there are several references like incoming canonicals, redirects and hreflang that show to orphan pages. If they include it in the XML sitemap, and there are other references, then it’s to be expected Google can spot the orphan page.

Do orphan pages hurt SEO?

Yes, it has several reasons. Firstly, you might have orphan pages with better-quality content that need further indexed. If it has no index link, that will not reach to high rank, and it will be a great opportunity there. The next option, orphan pages, can start crawling resources and harm your user experience.





With the help of Orphan Page Checker (or experts SEO Sydney), it is straightforward to find orphan pages on your website. You need to visit your website’s URL, and our tool will perform the rest. Just within jiffies, you will get lists of all the orphan pages on your website. Thus, you can take a step to boost your website’s internal linking and ensure that all your pages can easily be reachable to web crawlers.